Duty Roster List (New England Operations - NIGMA)
Ghost Shadows:
Majesty's Intelligence-Six: Elimination of troika for Irish Socialist Canada, in Hopkinton; marks Ryan Taylor, Meaghan Taylor, Karen Taylor, Bill Taylor, Melissa Sprachman, David Sprachman, Susan Sprachman, Bill Sprachman, Alice Charlebois, Michael Charlebois, and corridor agents, Wongs, removed from play.
Westboro Baptist Church: Financial records and film industry on Newgrounds, through Christopher Nolan, removed; Heath Ledger, dead of "submarine sandwich"; two women at once, Nazi dominatrixes. Suicide, at overdose, and actor's insurance lawsuit to Nolan Trilogy, awarded to Heath Ledger's daughter; alias, Ellen (Elliott) Page, passage of contract to Heath Ledger (self modeled as Michael Cera's character in "Juno", nullifying both).
Spiders Hopkins Lodge: Insane Clown Posse and Mossad Detroit interdicted, at charge and threat of gun running through "Bridgewater Triangle"; labeled a refused zone of conduct, per Cuban Castro regime of area as open contraband network for work, information, and migration. Phil Enfield, forced to divulge secrets of Slavic labor union control, in prison, by corrections officers; confirmation of captures of Sonya Savdie ('99' call), Lacy Jae Slaunwhite (alias "Laci" and drop off of AIM before news story of murder in September, 2004), and Scott Peterson (alias "Hubris", Canadian COBRA MUSH, caught as prime malefactor; Presidential patron, however for Canadian bride, not Irish; out of support of public schools as federal tax dollars).
Israeli Defense Forces: Shut down of Playboy badges and pass and tag sexual system, at History Pre-Law major; INTERPOL forces quarantined and removed from New England, as well as federal networks seized by the FBI and placed under CIA shell company management as corporate funded tools for open network "volunteer mentors"; actually monitoring agents, for the Foreign Office MI-6, in Hollywood. CIA Corporate Work, under auspice of Gangland Narcotics; HUMINT UMass-Amherst, #2 seed; "Ted Bundy" matching mother, maternity, and causal profile; forbidden from politics, a marriage to Jenna Williamson for sexual confidence (captured by self for police, #1 seed; Klaus Doenitz, betrayal of Hopkinton and home bay, Mormon Tabernacle fetish scene, Alt.Com and Bondage.Com and camgirl sites).
Homeland Security: Boris Yeltsin, Mossad top leadership, out of partnership with Sicarim Russians and fellow Gypsy Clans, caught attempting to put kin, the Tepes Romanians into Synod to destroy them; Dulles Transylvanians, Kenway Wallachians, and Silvestri Moldovans, at threat of extermination, and the end of the Kennedies, Beltane, the Voivoideship, and Walpurgisnacht; Yeltsin's philosophy of safety with education, museums, shame, guns, and computer security, against the Kennedy philosophy of war and chance, and trust in worship, faith, and vice liquors, marijuanas, cigarettes, phones, priests, sex, drugs, and combat. Ricardo has to choose between Jacob, the control of a world, and the Man in Black, the freedom of the soul.
Congregational Intelligence Hexadecimal: The Vatican arts applied against Judas Iscariot, the Sicarim of Jordan; the Phillistine King, David, mixed with Cicero, upon Pilate. Clemente, two Innocents, one Alexander, one Gregory, nine Cardinals, one Stalin, one Radu, and a Fire Captain with two Sisters. A stacked deck. The opening of hostel businesses of Italy, used to house the poor for arts work and local intelligence as informants, hookers, and mating material at camorra games, however as internet funding resources for the downtrodden and poor; "Kickstarter". The use of patents (Vatican City), excommunications (Cathars), midgets (Dauphins), German (Jews), truancy laws (Flat Earth), nomenclature (Stalin), gay self-rumor (Radu), heroin (Augustus O'Neill), education profiles (Francis), and cartoon segments on model (Alice).
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