Compiled Kills List (Massachusetts State Police; CIA Advisor; Russian Affairs)

 EON Entertainment (Casino Royale, FELIX):

Lead Arms: Andrew Schuck, Harrison Library.
Q: Nicholas Maynard, Hayes Rotary Association.
James Bond 007: "Damn-Yankee".
Felix: Franklin "Spencer" Cochrane.
Target Issue: Columbine Killings.
Hire: George W. Bush Jr.
Qualification: Cub Scout, Weblo; Karate White, Both Crescent Kicks; age 9; YMCA Olympic Swim, grade 2 (military, below grade 1, Olympic), graduated two years early (three strokes, two dives).

Carlin Sarkesian: Napster, RIAA.
Alan Laverdiere the First: NEC Comics, Opie and Anthony.
Sonya Savdie: Andover Mossad, Israeli Defense Forces.
John Washburne: Marvel Comics MI-6, Haganah; "Cusack".
Boris Yeltsin: National Rifle Association, Holocaust History Museum.

Confederate Southern Army (Northrup Grumman, Something Awful):

Lead Prospector: Anthony "Carnegie" Carrigan.
Indentured Man-Sheriff: Brian "Carl" Monaghan.
Lead Whip of Proctor: David "Madison" Charlebois.
Surmise on Medical Wing: Christopher "Washington" Sweeney.
Negro Pawnsman: Joshua "Adams" Moen.

UMass-Amherst Student Union (Colombian Rohinga, Coca-Cola Blackshirts):

2003: Mossad economics outed as video game logic.
2004: MI-6 files transferred to Cobra Commander (Barbara Bush).
2005: Casino dice revealed as cheating the police tax payer.
2006: EON scripted to make a mental patient, a Klansman (007).
2007: Slurp code confirmed (Einstein).
2008: Mackel More hits the radio (Bootsy Collins Trumpet).

John Warren Freemasonic Temple (Temple of the North, Boston Mafia):

Carlin Sarkesian (Possession of automatic weapons).
Philip Enfield (Possession of homicide liability information).
Keith Velasquez (Possession of manuals per gross domestic harm).
Andy Donson (Possession of narcotropic substances on contract relay).
Charles Winston (Possession of incriminating data glosses of pedophile pornography).

National Security Agency:

-2003: INTERPOL glitch on ROTC unit redirected, HUMINT deployed.
-2004: Campus LAN out of MIT spotted, CIA scrambled.
-2005: Private detective websites out of Chinese Triads, Boston and California noted; cause for harassment filed, per updates to PI sites on any criminal record without public site of government, state province only.
-2008: PTA and comic book research firms noted as using transcripts on "plea", removed while plea system left as mandated.
-2009: mySQL hacking glitch on MU noted, moved to CIA Hollywood control.
-2010: Norton bug noted spying on cloud, Norton removed as standard civil computer mandate.
-2012: Hard Candy catches police agents posing as psychiatrists, steroids injected to victims, retaining erections; medical myths removed, and chastised out of promoters of false residency degrees by suit from company.
-2018: Hacker's access to online schools noted, relative individuals involved medicated.
-2020: Twitter noted as Unitarian, purchased by FOX Langley substation, Providence.
-2022: Comcast nationalized and taken out of FRG hands, modems blocked for bug access.
-2023: TracFone updated to avoid National Guard and Russian service hack taps.
-2024: State Police bugs and glitches from wireless removed from BIOS, any MS system.

UMass-Amherst HUMINT;  Gangland Narcotics, 

Whitey Bulger: German Psychiatric.
Matthew Lennox: Hopkinton Rabbinical.
Allison Haimes: Mossad North Korea.
John Gotti: Israeli Margin Labor Auditors.
Lacy Jae Slaunwhite: Calgary-Jewish.
Scott Peterson: CIA INTERPOL.
Fred Tibeau: Agromill Liturgy.
Jack Winston: Goldman-Sachs Freemason.
Charles Winston: Broadway Golden Oldies.
Phil Enfield: Insane Clown Posse Detroit Mossad.
Osama Bin Laden: Lafayette House Agnew.
Dr. Pagan-Morales: MI-6 Imperial India.
Nicholas Maynard: External Security Ba'ath.
Jenna Williamson: Canadian Sheriffs Mossad.
Daniel Cheeseman: Irish Socialist.
Ivan Tomasic: Air Force Rabbinical.
Amanda Lange: Rockstar Games Lutheran.
Andrew Donson: German Gestapo Sex Trafficker.
Anthony Parziale: Baghdadi Children's Fund.
Mistress Lucinda: Lucas Arts "8MM".
Empress M: INTERPOL Shangrila MUX.
Gwenn Pratt: Nixon Hell's Angels New England.
John Washburne: Marvel Comics Haganah.
Anne McMurray: MI-6 World Bank.
James Anthony: MI-6 Marvel Comics.
Lloyd Ahlquist: Winchester New Transhuman.
Jeffrey Lange: Students Revolution Winchester.
Lady Kim: Boston Freemasons.
Richard Coughlin: OPEC Jordan.
Chris Dumais: Hopkinton Greater Schools Remedial.
Julian Assange: Swedish Intelligence Nobel.
Stan Lee: MI-6 Haganah NYPD.
Barack Obama: India Nehru Non-Aligned.
OJ Simpson: Jesuit Sports League.
Jeremy Stevens: Royal Air Force.


2003: 3/5ths Compromise, asserted over Annapolis security clearance.
2004: Bulger, Gotti, Stan Lee, Osama Bin Laden, and Barack Obama, system cleared.
2005: INTERPOL field swept, through false ROTC document on MIT hackers.

International Monetary Fund Election Rigs (Ludlow Family):

Assigned: Jen McDade, UMass-Amherst, PhD in Russian Women's Studies.

Vladimir Putin: Gun Control.
Deval Patrick: Gentile History Control.
Abe Shinchiro: Japanese Imperial Prosperity.
Barack Obama: Swedish Intelligence.
Charlie Baker: Irish Chiefs.
Rodrigo Duterte: Russian Trade Unions.
Joseph Biden: His Majesty's Intelligence Six.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan: Federal Shriner's Psychic Mystic Hotline.


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