Film and Art Inside American Civilian Forces

Standard Umbrella Units (Vatican, Calvinist, Anglican):

FBI: FBI are writers, that produce works of fiction, film, and screen; each FBI work, has to contain "ranks", applicable through research to appeal to a foreign culture in some form of antiquity to be a form of "mark"; advertised to a disorder of a specific criminal legal body, somewhere in America, that has crossed in from overseas under lawful passage of Congress; however is against the FBI's charter, of protecting American labor and education rights.

CIA: CIA are independent contract agents, recruited from colleges and apprenticeships, by Rabbinical Americans out of the Westboro Baptist Church's military affiliates on campuses and in boot camps.  Each fits the maternal and mother profile of a famous figure, from somewhere in the world, known to a historical biographer that understands Calvinist-American children's developmental alert markers to a behavior that needs to be rewarded.  The CIA, will use their contract asset agent class, to target someone using an FBI system from literature.

NSA: The NSA are code, field, and military technicians, that perform research work for the FBI as CIA liaisons, often a secondary position to an FBI or CIA that has been wounded in the field and is under psychiatric or hospital or disability or welfare care, implanted with other military units, possibly as an undercover courier for research observation.  The FBI produces new work, for CIA to use, and the NSA performs as a CIA, with the internal affairs office of their state capital, as their command and control, for reports on the NSA's activities to Cyber Command, the universal records, routers, and phone protection bureau out of Canada.

Personal Qualifier Training:


3rd grade level computer cryptanalysis, Hopkinton Special Programs, post-Holliston bussing.  Irish Dublin system of literature gateways and pathfinding, immunity and aversion to "control levers", while at "stick", own car, bus, or on a computer gateway.  Non-precognitive at use of mathematics integers and number sounds, or else aneurysm, fatal unless consuming 80 to 90 proof liquor, at least three shots a day, permanently.  Honor's Code, Hopkinton High, for any student, especially Romajin Gypsies; Calvinist States Program Project, 2nd Congregationalist Church of Hopkinton.

Stephen King formula master as reader, not viewer, through Grant Morrison's provisions of Baptist/Methodist Maine writer's culture.  Immune to formula theft by TikTok (Novel of the Month club, writer's contest to "lift" a formula for writer's research).


Two days old, implant of golden thread promissory note and tungsten iron ingots, to prevent orders being given or being received from other Gypsies or from those attempting to "steer" with food, drugs, interrogation, chemicals, pressure, peer force, or compliance demands, even neutral to acts of therapy to attempt an independence-dependence choice for conversion to homosexuality as a pedophile, a sponsor or mentor or psychiatric attendant.

Gomor Knife, Schulzstaffel, Hitler's form; mother's method of using rifle, knife, and pistol, as consequence, from inversion of Pharisee and Sarisee, with Sadducee retained as Jewish through non-mention, and either side placed as Christian in the Death of Jesus problem-set to target homosexuals with Iscariot fighting forms of street act and trap of ethics, identical to Marcianos, family affiliates out of Brockton; taught style, in 1890s, as a benevolence, between Lincoln mobsters of the Presidential Lodge (Saul, Abraham Lincoln; Mansons).

Tiger Mantis Kung Fu, to compliment father's production of Krav Maga system; employment of moves and techniques to lure and murder Krav Maga users, intent of father's sold system to Nation-State of Israel in 1968.  "Holes" in Krav Maga, related to improper uses of laws of state, each have a vulnerability attack, with a "key" to induce a fatality at a distance range of timer to various pressure and medical points of the medulla oblongata, and fatal chemical releases in the brain's chemistry.

YMCA Olympic swim lessons, two years premature, elementary school; completion of five forms, three strokes and two dives, including SCUBA equivalency in cap, goggles, and shorts, "needle" dive; grade 2 completion despite age, military; grade 1, Olympic sport competition, mandatory draft.  Avoided, Caucasian goggles purchased, Yangstze eye socket structure, Cro Magnon Triad of Taiwan.

Calculus conversions between Metric System and Lord's English, for alcohol and breathalyzer analysis of percent, proof, liter, and ounce, all as equivalents and non-importance of unit per measure, Hopkinton DMV, Chandler-Viscardi.  Double remainder, divide by zero on the remainders in multiplier, to determine .02 per stage of shot of standard liquor on 80 proof, per container listed, for sobriety forewarning before driving, at stage of decay of .02 per hour, hence calculation on size of shot in standard glass production.


Literary training from mother, on Arthurian codes of logic and writing, the impossibility of placing a hero's role through a set of engrams; hence immunity, to CG Jung, pedophile positioning to evoke profit from a rape or sexual assault.

Gamespy "Tanks" training to engage and counter, "Nortel" software intended on monitoring computers, phones, and records, for backtraces and literacy in electronic rights through monitoring of news articles read related to arrests in the United States.

Balfior region ArcticMUD training dojo, 7th grade.  New England codes of criminal conduct through different houses of worship, cheats engaged and advised, per manipulation of congregant system.

Sexual assault on blocked memory from "NIXON" training, from Freemasonic master authorized to do so, Washingtons of Europe; Ensign Nixon's Naval haze, to engage mother's doctor, NCO Pasquale Acosta, "WOLFRAM" class of spy; third degree interrogation, using film, martial arts, and improvised combat devices or tools of any familiarity through automotive training or electric circuit fuses, plus tonfas and night sticks and telescope rods.


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