Lifelong Inquiry List (Hannibal Lecter)

 Medical Cylinder:

Assassin: Age 4, Shampoo Hair Wash, Kitchen Sink; Irish Pistol Form, Chapman.

Martial Arts Form: Age 4, Tiger Mantis, Lethal Strike.

Lotus: Age 9, Papist.

Pistol: Age 9, Semiautomatic.

Athletics: Age 10, YMCA Swim, Olympic Pool, Grade 2 (military, below Olympic competition, Grade 1).

Satanic: Age 19, Refused Islam, Schnapps and Hunger Strike; Citrus and Bacon, Morning Light.

Brahmin: Age 19, Hanoi Form.

Reflection: Age 19, Wellbutrin, Refusal of Read by Other Gypsies.

Irish Republican Army: Age 19, Schizophreniform, Hitler if removed from arsenic compound, lit cigarettes; Cape Fear, against lawyers.

Synapse Clear: Age 19, Chloroxipin, Police Chief, UMass-Amherst.  Amphetamines, removed.

CIA: Age 20, refusal of MI-6 ciphers in thought patterns; schizophrenia removed, imagined contacts and signals, non-memory outside of own perception.

First Imbibed Narcotics:

Lager: Rolling Rock, half a neck of a bottle; New Years, 2000.

Malt Liquor: King Cobra, half a bottle.

Hard Liquor: Rubinoff Vodka, Bong Shelter, Lake Maspenock Neighborhood.

Contact High: Offspring, Cypress Hill, MxPx; The Palladium.

Marijuana: Talent Show, Hopkinton Highschool.

Ritalin: Downey Street Rental House, Lake Maspenock Neighborhood.

Psilocybin: Hopkinton Mansion, Kyle Connors House.

Blue Caps: Muhammadan Bloodline, Uthman.

Tobacco: Tijuana Smalls, Hopkinton Cumberland Farms.

LSD: Sean Baby, Lake Maspenock.

Nutmeg: Colella's Supermarket, COBRA Canadian Intelligence.

Cocaine: Hopkinton Hall Monitor, Marlborough, Massachusetts.

LSA: CIA Lodge Patrol, Chigurh.

Flavored Tobacco: Tedeschi's Convenience, Norton, Massachusetts; Chartley Pond.

Adderral: Brown Dormitory, UMass-Amherst.

DXM: Psychologist's Fraternity, UMass-Amherst.

Italian Mafiaso Cigar: Garcia Vega, Van Meter Dormitory, UMass-Amherst.

Blue Cheer: Van Meter Dormitory, UMass-Amherst.

Paisley: Webster Dormitory, UMass-Amherst.

Opium: Ryan Taylor and Daniel Rodrigues, Mossad, UMass-Amherst.

Cigarette: Marlboro Red, Webster Dormitory, Art School Girlfriend.

MK ULTRA: "Thrill", Psilocybin and Adderral, Percosetts Kicker; "Phobium".

Anti-Depressants: Wellbutrin, Taunton Behavioral Clinic, Norfolk County.

LSD 360: FBI, Van Meter Dormitory; Irish Skulls, Republican GOP Wing.

Chloroxipin: UMass-Amherst Mental Health Services, Janine Swanson, Literature Internist.

Zyprexa: UMass-Amherst Mental Health Services, Dr. Harold Farber.

Abilify: Norton Rehabilitation Clinic, Alpha Temporary Agency.

Peyote: Enfield, Connecticut; "Mistress Lair", Empress M, Maitresse S, Goddess J.

Nitrous Oxide: Hadley House, Credited to Richard Coughlin.

Trilophon: Dr. Killian O'Connell, Amherst, Massachusetts.

Seraquel: Dr. Barry Federman, Amherst, Massachusetts.

Ale: 21st Birthday, Wetherlaine's Pub, Blue Moon Pale Ale.

Cocaine: Harvard, Massachusetts, Essex County; Hell's Angels, cut with aphrodesiac.

GHB: Dr. Joshua Golden, Attleboro, Massachusetts, Sharon Israeli Defense Forces.

Thorazine: Dr. Joshua Golden, Attleboro, Massachusetts; Sturdy Memorial Hospital.

Invega: Michael Sweeney, Kennedy Campaign, Bronson Building.

Congentin: Michael Sweeney, Kennedy Campaign, Bronson Building.

Depocate: Michael Sweeney, Kennedy Campaign, Bronson Building.

Service Units Joined and Assignments Completed:

Age 18: UMass-Amherst Confidential Informant Busts (AFROTC):

PTA United Health Associates.

Canadian Freemasons Hell's Angels.

Kabul-Madrid Comedy Central.

INTERPOL Connecticut.

Fitchburg State Film School.

External Security USMC.

IDF 420chan.

DC Comics Mossad.

Marvel Comics MI-6.

Ace Comics Vermont State Troopers.

Age 4: CIA Russian Affairs (Target, East German Stasi).

Rabbi Anatole Steinfeldt: Trades of prostitutes out of college athlete wives and girlfriends.

Federal Republic of Germany: Nursing services operations, out of Dunkin Donuts.

Fillmore Foundation: Man Mar marginal labor, "Lids" Cottonmouth Kings.

Kennedy Foundation: X-Files, spy's hire off of phobic television.

Lafayette House: Adult Swim, avenged wife's spouses marriages.

Jim Beam Whiskey: Russian Basim, arranged marriages.

Kenpo Dojos: German-Juden actors, veterans affairs pets marriage.

National Football League: Stallone films, terror services of Hollywood.

Insane Clown Posse: Sales of purchase, through tattoos in community; American History X.

Cree Mercenary Services: Red Power, service of Catholic marriage out of bar fly.

Al-Qaeda: "Big Apple", or otherwise, "The Source".

Swedish Arctic Rangers: Actor's services, pranks and assaults.

Presbyterian Church: Catholic-Jewish services, refusal of Catholic-Italian marriage to honors students women.

E! Entertainment Magazine: Anti-War magazines, for opposition to the Vietnam War.

Lucas Arts: Film schools for snuff and bizarres.

Church of Satan: Russian Orthodox services, out of World Bank India.

Leibmann Program: Church of Subgenius, Hollywood Grand Ol' Party (American Republicans).

Triple Crown: Spies on Air Force narcotics, print of open review of Union North.

Nixon Foundation: Low income housing, as Canadian Freemasons method of regulations into gang life.

Timeshare Bisexuality: Retired dominatrixes, as holding time share for view of young boys.

Fitchburg State Film School: Lobotomized migrants, as pimps for snuff.

Merovingian Order: Dominatrixes, to seduce men out of police presidencies.

Boston Prosecutor's Office: Drug use and sales of narcotics, as outside military share.

CIA State Cleaners: Film programs, as formative in minds of CIA agents.

INTERPOL: Scat play, as having been applied for refusing prostitute's services inside marriage.

WEB Dubois Library: The Civil War, as a degradation of rights upon consequence as invisible.

New England Homicide: The protective doctor's orders, as false, actually Parent Teacher Authority.

British Recording Studios: The staff of any band or famous person, as bound to personal sexuality.

Boston State Police: Chastity devices, as essential for falsely appraised Mossad officers as police officers; Russian silver badges.

Marvel Comics: Writer's research, as report of "lawsuit" by Aryan Pride, to molestation of family into Rabbinicals.

Ford Labor Fund: Che Guevera, as Fidel Israel; factory and labor informants, as having summoned on pedophile rumor of refusing sex with men.

American Bandstand: Dick Clark's tradition, of creating transgenders, as those refusing large women.

Ku Klux Klan: The Red Cross, medical testing on unique intellects, as having been the work of Prague.

The Green Berets: The orphans services of Rod and Gun Clubs, as funded through Yorkstown Trust of Great Britain.

Falun Gong: The laws of women, as having advanced, to be larger and sheriffs.

Kabul-Madrid: The sales of Fentanyl, to corrections staff, to prevent Catholic legal review in law journals.

Canadian Sheriffs: The Air Force special testing array, as having prevented legal or police careers of family.

The Palladium: The shows at air and riots, through radio, as having been in favor of the National Rifle Association.

Sicilian Union: The five patriarchs, the Vatican, Satanic, Byzantine, Alawite, and Coptic, as being the film role of college refused for spy.

Gestapo: The hunt of Jew, as anyone without proper romantic approach, due to removing from boyfriends and family, all punished.

INS: The naturalized Americans, as having refused tobacco.

Megaman MUSH: The funding of Ruby Spiers, through the CIA and Sony Games.

Reagan Foundation: The slave draft through biker clubs, of fishing boats and reality television related, all such as the same.

Judge Rotenberg: The zombification of men and women, having refused family alliance, lesbianism as marriage to children raised transgender.

Papa Gino's: The seizure of recipes and resources, of prices and accumulated deficits, of corporate founder.

NAMBLA: The trade in queer propaganda, to harass bullies claiming to be police; the orders reversed, 4chan.

High Times: The bounty trade of marijuana users, past or present, as international spies; for the psychiatric ward, to study the children of cops, the visitors to the hospital.

NEC Comics: The study of political, police, and academic profiles, for international Mussolinists; the opening scene, to "Casino Royale", starring Daniel Craig.

ARVN: The pot growers, of Vietnam, as having infiltrated all levels of American societies, through beauticians claimed to be Korean; the Islamic law lobby.

SKI: The fraud of college students with proper banking logic, for the casino industry; the defrauding of parents, having cheated gambling, for free food.

Thucydides: The tradition of dictators ruling over little Asian girls, until the switch with a boy, on "Gotham"; "Robin Lord Taylor".

Charlebois and Sons: The TV show, "Malcolm in the Middle", each character a famous victim of the Canadian marijuana industry.

Pro-Choice: The different between a wanted son, Pro-Life, and an unwanted son, Pro-Choice.

Respite Center: The management of the developmentally and neurologically impaired, by the Palmer family; famous Nazis, since ancient India, the invention of the chair, shirt, wheelchair, metal knife, and cow butchery.

Secret Intelligence Service: The Irish Republican Army's Islamic branch; the Carnegie Institute, supply to foreign powers for a split deficit on a war; a bet on the enemy, from New England kids, notoriously rebellious and high functioning drug users.

Human Intelligence: Data traffickers and couriers, out of Pennsylvania, supplied through MUSH; an NSA program, for queer rights, without being gay. Murder, most foul.

Archdiocese of Boston: The Persel movement, Russian-Jews trying to save Bernard Law's legacy, to protect Jews, as Catholics.

The Vatican: Benedictine's Vatican, the vote on the success of David "Chet" Charlebois, to destroy Israel and Rasta, in favor of the "projects", Levant; born out of his mother, the Dorchester Riots; the Malleus Malificarum, the slave draft from college students ("witches").

University of Massachusetts: The hunt of drug dealers, dominatrixes, police cadets, and NATO; the Trump tradition, a lead funder.

COBRA: The monitoring of cops and teachers through insurance, for court dates; the division of texts out of Montreal, into Confederate Davis logic, out of British Parliament, in Ottawa, Ontario.

PRCC: The domination and deals with Japanese Diet, religion as an economic form, not a military form.

Sony Pictures: The CIA fund out of Japan, for anti-Romalian strategies, taught by finger ticks; removed by Wesley Willis.

Danish Bounty Hunters: Hunts of those refusing to return to class reunions, despite playing a varsity sport.

Disney Pictures: The theft of children's hymns from the mother, to structure into cartoons or writer's pieces.

AFL-CIO: The Lincoln Lodge, only countered by elite super cop, Barack Obama.

The Psychiatric Association: Cleaning ladies, monitoring fatalities in family, for conviction of courts in the Hague; unless clean, then slaves.

The Waters Foundation: The Islamic genocide on the centennial, for deportations of resources to Baghdad, and south, to Arabia.

Greek Mythology: Hercules, the retarded, a yeastie, as determining all things. Star Trek.

Likud: The Iranian bigot, controlling the country of Swedes; Israel, the Nation-State. For trade deals, with Germany; oil.

Raven Laventi: Benedict Arnold and daughter of George W. Bush Jr., by affair. The selection of Presidential candidates.

Benjamin Doremus: The replacement to anthropologist Dr. Josef Mengele, the commitment of affairs at Auschwitz.

Sean Fraser: The undercover services of the priesthood, vice as narcotics and vice versa, for children's accusation police.

Steven Charlebois: The chemist behind Timothy Leary's psychosis, and the Manson murders.

William Morgan: The South Park writer behind the frame of Cartman, a Jew, as psychic; Romalians, the "Angels", of Jews. Poraujmos.

Gwenn Pratt: The psychiatric study through dogs on crack-cocaine, of MI-6 agent profiles bound to CIA. "Romajin".

Melvin Harris: The dead black man, a crack dealer shaking down the CIA; featured in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, as Mike Torino's kill.

Ivan Tomasic: The switch with Martin Skreli, in birth, through INTERPOL and pot bust wives to cops, "hookers"; Batman and Joker.

Allison Haimes: The North Korean Freedom Federation, removing hypnotic immunities that cause photographic memory.

Daniel Rodrigues: The Army Captain refused of his federal service in favor of opium, the Turkey deployment; "Taken", Liam Neeson.

Robert Wolfinackis: The attempt at creating Batman comics leads and role models for the Globe Theater, the Williamsons; the Norman Conquest.

Gemma Kite: The seizure of data resources for Caymans Britain, on Clips 4 Sale debit purchases of pornography.

Dan Monahan: The destruction of the Saugus nuclear plant several times, out of panic fits when toys are not purchased.

Joshua Moen: The classification of women online as men posing as women, to prevent father from understanding that he's straight, a rapist.

Kristy Long: The wholesale enlistment of the Romalians, as a myth, perpetrated on Italians and Africans.

Alexandra Rhzanova: The savior of the Batman, "Batsy", Allie Gaetano, from an FBI career from her genetic father, John Connolly.

John Connolly: A hemoglobin dose, from Barack Obama; diabetes, freedom from prison, as exchange for killing Mayor Thomas Menino; sperm thief of Barack Obama's children, and Obama's chapter of leadership, closed.

Napster: The murder of the lead clerk of Rhode Island's Russian Basim wing.

Kim Jong-il: Goku, murders his wife.

Essex County: The Mossad troubleshooters, get teabagged on heroin.

Attleboro Sheriffs: The top community control, dates Marilyn Manson.

MI-6 Spiders: A Jew, battles a Juwe. Both, are Gypsies, Boudicas; Bloody Mary.

Mossad Detroit: Master Herbert is created on Family Guy, for claiming that extra submarine sandwich bread, is a gun in a dumpster.

Providence PD: The purchase by fraud of murder, of Pete's Drive-in, of Amherst, FBI restaurant, is avenged.

East Germany: The Stasi, is shut down, by the claim that David Charlebois, is a woman, not Jenna Williamson, posing as a man.

Climate Change: The top Nobel Arctic Ranger operative, has shaving cream put in his butt, and his ear.

NORML: The spray of marijuana by poisons out of kitchens, results in a fatality on self-theft.

Stanford School of Journalism: A CIA assassin, dies from kissing a hand, to request liquor from a Catholic.

Persian Gay Rights: Persian Gay Rights, is revealed as a rape movement, from Star Wars MUSHes. Something Awful, is now Air Force.

ASPCA: The dog training movement, is revealed as a lesbian exchange, of women victimized as children by siblings, becoming adult predators for money and banking numerals.

Army Delta: The Delta quad unit, is revealed as transgender, to State Senator Scott Brown.

Spooky Kids: Twiggy Ramirez, is cleared as innocent, Governor's Race of California, Richard Nixon. Marilyn Manson, goes down as Bowser, JFK, "Coma White".

Trump Organization: Super cop, Donald Trump, is revealed as a stage actor, to the Pentagon and Congress and Governor's Association, in 2016.

Friends Stand United: Acting contracts are given to FSU, in retaliation for Marlon Brando's ECT, over "Free Money", the Canadian film.

Christine Warren: Christine Warren is murdered for sperm stealing an NSA, a DEA, and a Homeland Security; David Charlebois, Zach Savell, and Matthew Lennox.

Age 6: NSA OP-INT Criminal Warfare (Model Education Form, Montessori).

Matthew Lennox: Klansman Canadian form, countered, into reversed trampling preference in female bondage.

Zachary Klein: Spot of fecal scat obsession, as related to demand of territory as Mossad operative; switched, to fixation on action figures and collectibles.

Robert Wolfinackis: Spot of Mafiaso Southern Pennsylvania, Klansman; switched hips, into Iranian transgender, Xerxes.

Jonathan Frakes: Writ of "William Riker", removal from NSA Star Trek project as fraud media contract on secondary investment of heist on county munition of municipal vice.

Kofi Annan: Writ "Gargoyles" Disney show, into inverted helix of monetary scheme promising cash windfall for hunt of Romany; the "David Xanatos" character, framed as gargoyle demon monsters to Romany.

JP Morgan Financial: Block of conversion of William Morgan to Judaism; conversion to German Nazi instead, hence "Jewish", in Cherokee tradition.  Jefferson Davis averted.

UseNet: Raid on Trump Organization's underage pornography servers, on capture of Brian "B-Rock" Monaghan, "NAMBLA" recruiter out of Essex County and the Coughlin family.  Use of Department of Defense "Tanks" game, to capture associates out of Boxborough, Harvard, and Littleton, all through police offices affiliated with the Canadian Narcotics Bureau.

John Connolly: Capture of Federal Agent, posing as FBI agent, alongside Boston State Police, a false police unit featured on films and researches for "COPS" and other shows featured by Russian INTERPOL; silver badges on navy blue uniforms, Black Sea Infantry.  Performed through deportation of Ryan Taylor to Ashland, Massachusetts, upon death of mother.  Boston Mob veteran family, "Golden", real name "Hirsch", spotted, later, by Tsaptsaris.  Indictment of the "Sid Meier" company, for theft of "Alpha Centauri", from Marv Wolfstein, "Warwolf".

Hopkinton History Department: Mossad program in Hopkinton dislodged; Fidel Castro deposition for courts, Latino-Israeli-Corrido, spotted by Christine Carr; Boyzycyo buyout of deli in Westboro Holliston line, spotted by Mike Fleming.  Theft of MUD serverbase for Scientology, spotted by Sara Brown.  Purple Revolution undercover, Christine Surka, inserted in Bulger medical record files and psychiatric dossiers, into Monsanto, by Sonya Savdie.  Notification of multiple seasonal flavors of soy featured Doritos, by Barry Allman.  Twin myth outed as false, through close study of the Williamsons, by Brett Mulvey, union head and former State Police Captain.

Hopkinton Student Council: The mysterious origin of school councils, revealed as Stalin's invention in Russia, by own blood of military espionage Mariscu, not raised in clergy, as was Stalin for three generations.  Class council members, disputed and given closer inspection for Klan and Basim ties, by Massachusetts Governor's Council; Mitt Romney elected as Governor, for probe.

Age 12: Department of Defense Gaming (Gamespy Quakeworld).

Grand Theft Auto 3: Three dimensional camera, "all crime is now gay".

Team Fortress Classic: Quake never happened, it was always Team Fortress.

Counterstrike: Quake 2 has many purposes, but not without Quake 1 as a basic strategy.

Runescape: We all love runes, but not as much as Gwenn loves Dave.  Then Gwenn got fat, from beating on a psychology professor that wouldn't sleep with an Incredible Hulk fan.  

Arkham Asylum: The stolen Saints Row engine, is provided with an improved version, using the color House of Blue Leaves in Kill Bill 1, not the black and white pan version without the DVD.

Cyberpunk 2077: An improved internet, designed for Israel.  Catch a Tiger by the Toe, if He Hollers Let Him Go; I said, Y, O, U.

Age 13: Hindu Banking Accounts (The Matrix):

Carlin Sarkesian: Sales of nicotine charcoal bricket through Kingsford, for Maureen Laverdiere.

Thomas Brennan: Incarceration of Emily Campbell for Student Council, requested by Sonya Savdie.

Randle Rae Stock: Felonious attempt at banking exchequer for cocaine sales, through Daniel Rodrigues.

Philip Enfield: Passage of guns rights of abolition in Bridgewater, order by Stan Lee.

Anthony Parziale: Lodgeman's request of OPEC Jordan, through semenal theft out of Barbara O'Connor.

Richard Coughlin: Perjure on record of signatory for Resource Economics, extorted from Sarah Dupont.

Dwayne Monahan: Removal of record of police informants on Seraquel, frauded by Silver Laventi.

Keith Velasquez: Poisons of marijuana sold to Fraternal Order of the Police, per order of Ryan Cunningham.

Joshua Golden: Silence on record of assigned Taliesein Games contract, hacked for Daniel Monahan.

Timothy Jones: Default on writer's contract on Marvel Comics, for Donald Trump.

Matthew Lennox: Sales on purchase of writer's debt for Batgirl, underwritten by Princess Anne.

Age 14: COBRA Intelligence (New England Branch, Sinn Fein).

David Cameron: Downfall of the Conservative Party, medical limitations on rights of poor, planned by "Team Sauerkraut" masterminds.

Barack Obama: Downfall of Democratic National Committee, consumer rights on purchase of goods, planned by "Team Ferguzi", through "Show About Nothing"; application to UMass-Amherst, "The Madison Square Garden Speech".  Barack Obama, discovers the disturbing life, of the gays of America; The Presidency.

John McCain: The coon hanging in Van Meter, as advertised by the UMass-Amherst Student Senate.  Photograph taken by Jackal Force journalist and private night assassin, Jenna Williamson; "Arcade", featured in Marvel Comics.

George Soros: The Waters Foundation (the sales of cop semen to Baghdad), sabotaged by private infiltrator and cop drug dealer, entry to Northampton Police Barracks provided by Stacy "Sahar" Bundy.  Tavern dice game, demonstrated to the children of stoned cops, by the pair.  Craps remains on casino table, but body cameras on cops, are new.

Marvel Comics: Entire firm, comes under mass assault, by one man.  Spider-Man, is declared "Maximum Carnage", by street soldiers, over the beating death in prison by Mossad operative, "Phil Enfield".  Street operatives are engaged; MI-6 operators, John Washburne, Anne McMurray, Jen McDade, Allison Haimes, James Anthony, and masterminds, Lawrence Hama, Stan Lee, and David S. Charlebois.  Spider-Man has his evacuation plan executed; "Peter Parker is a History Teacher".

Silver Laventi: Top COBRA recruiter, "Vypra", determines that "Mercer", wasn't "Billy", but "Chuckles".  Lethal pentatonic radiation burst released into cellphone, causing a neural death and heart failure in bed, seeing Silver at the last moments.  Face spikes memory and heart, and Nicorette and cigarettes are consumed, simultaneously, restarting heart and cardiac function.

Age 16: NSA Junior Admin (Bush Administration, Guantanamo Third Degree).

Gwenn Pratt: Rosemary's Baby.

Brian Monaghan: Hard Candy.

John Washburne: South Park.

Steven Charlebois: Nosferatu.

Alexandra Gaetano: Thus Sprach Zarathustra.

John Kerry: Profiles on Courage.

Age 18: CIA Prosecutor's Agent (INTERPOL Study Project, NAM).

Empress M: Shangrila MUX, "Hellion" or "Devilry".  Captured by own daughter.

Goddess J: INTERPOL Scat Patrol, "Diva".  Captured by Attorney General Maura Healey.

Mistress Lucinda: Nixon Foundation, "Tzigane".  Captured by Michael Charlebois.

DC Comics: Mossad investment in special education.  Captured by Berkshire-Hathaway.

Marvel Comics: British Commonwealth investment in Israel.  Captured by Disney.

Ace Comics: Coolidge Foundation investment in Protestant Congregationalists.  Captured by Knights of Columbus.

Fitchburg State Film School: Snuff mastermind's location, "Professor Sam Neill".  Captured by Jeff Goldblum.

Age 19: MI-6 Police Adjutant (Cardinal Jorge Mario Degorglio, Pope Francis I).

Matthew Lennox: Three arrests, for possession of a class D substance.

Allison Haimes: Trip into planted SVU episode, Alexandra Gaetano and Benjamin Easton collude through operator of MI-6, to sabotage Saddam Hussein's defense.

Gotham: Print of FOX show, "Gotham", introduces false positive, into true negative.  Iran restarts Babylon equation, to remove slavery, at ignorance of international lawyers; slave traders, seeking multinational corporate contracts through international law; the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Age 20: EON Foot Soldier (Cherna Gast, Arizona Ku Klux Klan, Arizona Air Force):

Boris Yeltsin: Affiliate of the American National Rifle Association (NRA), responsible for school shootings ranging from 1995 to 1999.  Principals out of Rhode Island NEC Comics, the Presbyterian Korean Church, intercepted and murdered; Carlin Sarkesian, Alan Laverdiere I.

Elie Wiesel:Affiliate of the Holocaust History Museum, responsible for war on American Jewry and independent art systems against the Maltz Arts Museum tradition, the American brotherhood with the impoverished and the oppressed, through unions and dues.  Principal out of StormDuds Warehouse, the formation of “VOICE” the Union, out of Australia; payment at an inventory level, hence election of Barack Hussein Obama.

Stanley “Stan Lee” Leiberman: The NYPD election in militant subscribers to Mein Kempf logic, out of the fire unions and police United Nations.  Removal of Spanish Republican theory, snuff pornography and bizarres, the traditions of the gay community, with the self-inflicted frame of Neil Entwhistle, a Ford Library representative to Hopkinton and Middlesex County’s labor community.  The removal of John Warren Freemasonic Temple, to private cloisters in Boston, to merge with the Archdiocese of Boston, a renewed alliance with scabs and Catholics, the lawyers and the police.


Queen Elizabeth II: Clandestine Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) activist as the Monarch Regency of Great Britain and the world’s narcotrafficking markets, intended to be out of India.  A full FBI Freedom of Information Act, filed by AFROTC and the UMass-Amherst Mental Health Services, intended for the CIA and State Police, for training purposes.  Given double fudge chocolate cake, kosher chocolate; “death by chocolate”.  Offered through her own great grand niece, Jessica Bailey, to avenge Jessica’s grand aunt, Princess Diana; killed with a bee in the car, blamed on the Arabs; hence, England escaped justice after 9/11, the death of her father.

George W. Bush Jr.:The print of the film “Spiral”, at the completion of the Boston Federal District test program on protection of spies inside political families.  The saviorship of Raven “Silver” Laventi, and the downfall of comic prints claiming choice of act by a female fan.  The Kaiser’s Lodge, German Prussian rules against medicine being practiced by voluntary act, is removed, and Lutherans fall to smears in press, as they are revealed to be grossly obese, and of Canadian or Israeli origin.

Age 23: Irish Republican Army (MoveOn).

Alex Gaetano: Gene record run, John Connolly; transferred to special unit, Joint American-Russian Task Force.

Ivan Tomasic: Rescued from Auburn, subject of mob hit.  Hire, Stephanie Tomasic.

Jeffrey Niemera: Taught to eat lobster sauce without complaint of menu item from Chinese restaurant.

Bernice Lamb: Rescue of Schriver family during power blackout, removed from potential slave penitentiary overseas.

Bobby Cutler: Made painfully aware of mutual phobia; extraterrestrial.  Actual phobias, younger students or individuals in charge of adults or older teens; "The Outsiders", placed through "Lord of the Flies".  Placed as own character, "Walter" posing as "Piggy".  Therefore, "Jack" is "Ralph", and all, are "Simon".

Age 26: Massachusetts State Police Advisor, CIA (Boston Cambridge, Air Force Wright-Patterson).

Gerald Ford Library: Hiring reference system offered, used by Michael Grabauskas, on forced Leibniz read by Green Beret Poland; orphan, team leader.  

Split Profile: Sabotage and Terrorist explained, as switch between spy and cop, duplicating Osama Bin Laden, switched into Vladimir Putin, when firing mechanism activated; duplicate of own, Colin Powell as the designer; Adolf Hitler, firing into George W. Bush Jr.

Comcast: Comcast nationalized, as Air Force postal services, caught hacking for State Police energy services; new modems offered, and removals of demands of time, hours, and billing, on Romalians.

Age 29: Army Reserve, ITT Tech (SNHU Comics, Informant).

Christine Warren: Removed from nursing services, having stolen semen and delivered 22 infants, from David Charlebois, all murdered, except for 23rd; 2.3rd percent for Tartar non-active precog, kinesthetic line instead.  Savells, Muhammadan leadership of Episcopal Church worldwide, stolen into "Sanchez", now family at live field hunt, "License to Kill" renewed.  Lennoxes, Rick Flairs bloodline, Homeland Security, stolen bloodline for Jehovah's Witnesses; potential AA or NA deviances introduced, visits to Westminster Library out of Canadian airports already underway to hunt and kill Magdalene and Christ's family, as Prussian Blue and Chinese Combs Thrace deviances.

Cassie-Leigh Stock: Cover for sister's cocaine arrest under the film, "The Matrix", tactical squad training of 2004, noted, Randle Rae Stock having sacrificed Cassie-Leigh to hide own background as a cocaine narco-trafficker as the overman for Richard Coughlin, already deported to US Navy and boiler room to induce leukemia.  Switch (Jessica), Apoc (Mike), Mauser (Matthew), Cypher (David), and Neo (Nicholas), already scrambled on field site.  Trinity (Silver), operating forced field downs, to update technology, at expense of parents involved; NSA HUMINT defunded in Massachusetts, Philip J. Morris blocked from website and virus backtraces to spot Norton, McAfee, and OS X wrongdoing.

Michael Fargnoli: Unitarian Church sperm steal from Doc Holliday's line, Quasimodo, hunted and tracked and killed, for local Plainville Magi community (proper Jews, writers out of prison confinement in Europe).  Revealed as having refused marijuana in college and highschool, however claiming otherwise, for a prestigious position in John Hancock, leading to the present federal budget debt clock running wild under Trump.  Software marketing flaws revealed, to Army Reserve, out of SNHU, as showing a positive when a negative fraction answer is introduced, and a negative but with the same positive's answer when the fraction is flipped on the other side of test equation.  Hence, it's Amway software, running out of British housing; the Tong, the only means of subsistence of Chinese women or those Asians outside of the Dalai, working as such on American or European soil.

Age 32: Gaetano Savings and Loan (Joseph Biden, Homophobe's Rights).

"Scotland": Block of Scottish Devolution and Orange Order North Ireland, from continuing their tradition of lager, not ale, for highschool students through Americans seeking college and compliance with Washington's rules of underage drinking being demanded to avoid pedophile accusation (kindergarten through 12th grade, 6 through 18).

"Dr. Fian": The attempted seduction of self, through saved woman, Jenna Williamson, after being approached to save from the life of prostitution as a victim of Dr. Jane Modoono, Hopkinton Highschool principal.  Assigned to the removal of the Mossad "troubleshooter", the Carnegie Rom family's elite assassin by singular name "Klein", if killed then "New Jack City", last incident nominating this as "Sex Money Murder".

"Babylonian-Judaism": Return to Iranian peoples before Phillistines, however as victors, occupying the Levant; "the projects".  The removal and erasure, of the Malleus Malificarum; the slave trade through lawyers.

"Nolan Trilogy": The hunt of the 9/11 terrorists, through the reveal by CIA operative and training cadet, David Charlebois, at the murder of Alice O'Neill, formerly Alice Charlebois, in self-defense after she'd been informed on by Die Hard 2: Die Harder, as Bruce Willis's character; a "dyke", a rogue female spy or soldier or cop, played by a male cop in film.  Prince Andrew and Heinz Corporation, manipulating the events for stolen semen, Roe v. Wade, through AFL-CIO, George Soros, Little League, and John Kerry.  Victim parties separated through Christine Carr, Barack Obama, and David Charlebois, three undercovers placed to do so.  Field team leader, Strom Thurmond, lays at peace, for his pledge to quit smoking; last cigarette, one hour before passing.  One cigarette left in the pack.

"Metro Terror Investigation": The Biden Rotary Association forms, reforming the elite NYPD square, the "Capone Family".  Victims of Law and Order, and other MI-6 art with hospitals and law enforcement and mercenaries, even actors or soldiers, get elite police training and arms; to support a dead NSA, a civilian's rights programmer, soldier, or lawyer; the ACLU.

Age 36: Hanoi SIS Service (MSS Vice).

FetLife: Sharing recipes on industrial techniques with common available products, to get Rice a Roni to be exclusively Chinese in purchase; or else, busted.  The Wok is sadly replaced with a new partner, the electric frying pan.

Age 40: Carabinieri Founders (Babylonian-Judaism Study Project, Vatican).

Assassin's Creed: The refusal of the FBI (the Lion's Club), and a writer's degree.  For the Juwes, the Milesians, and the Druids.


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