Counter-Mossad Operations (Recruiter, Jen McDade, 2003)

MI-6: The women's division, besides "wyld", the switched birth of an infant into money, then poverty and incarceration as a prosecutor's text for MI-6 to use.

SIS: The specialist mercenaries, recruited out of flirtations forbidden by the woman's siding against government desired, always local on foot.

SAS: The elite "air division", the athletes and professional scholars of media booking, betting, and real estate, out of Monaco.

SOE: The "boatsmen", the placement and movement soldiers, all professionally trained out of mercenary companies, having gone on "adventure", a military tour.

RAF: The "freight" division, by myth an "aerial unit" (improper historian), actually a drugs and racketeering influence union, operating out of "sociology dons" (communists using Das Kapital, to manipulate "drones", those dependent on the "Communist Manifesto", "Scotsmen").

British Army: The air, infantry, and paperwork body, with cargo, attack, and reconnaissance functions, trained out of Canada.

Majesty's Navy: The rented Naval warfare and Merchant Marine ships building bodies, out of "North" locations as labeled, each with a "County", the "Parish" of choice through a Catholic agency; the Princes residing at Papal Mass, in Italy when necessary.

Programs Applicable:

King Charles: Crown Prince William's Handler. Cabinet Ministries, Lord's Parliament.
Prince Andrew: Kenders and Slanders. Knives and Assassinations, bisexuals.
Prince Edward: Films and Fetes. High Level Terrorism, traitors.
Princess Anne: Queens and Books. Insertion Subjects, economists.
Crown Prince William: Military Honours. Medals and International Diplomacy, Sandhurst.
Prince Harry: Undercover Officers. Unusual Genomes and Emotional Issues, doctors.

Prince George: Comic Books, yet to deploy.

Main Principles:

Hellraiser: David Michael Charlebois, Prince Edward's terror agent.

Halloween: Plainville Suburbs Housing, Russian Mob Ex-Pats; specialists, sciences and technical, War on Terror.

Spiral: Raven Laventi, daughter of George W. Bush with an Arnold Lodge; the claim to George W. Bush's office of government, imbibed on marijuana for NSA assassins courier function.

Jigsaw: Jenna Williamson and Christiano Marisco, the freedom to attend Synagogue, outside of Pentacostal demands.

Chris Dumais: Dr. Joshua Golden, removal from recall functions as slave-enscripted Arab doctor; Mosaic bloodline, Ali Baba.

Star Trek: Picard: Jawad Hussein, USMC and Iraq War veteran; possessed of banking numbers, out of own genome, to prevent Saddam Hussein to happen again; Jawad's great uncle, interviewed personally, in spider-hole, by Jawad.

Dexter: Peter Tsaptsaris, placement of Iraqi Ba'athist expert in Israeli affairs, inside Winchester housing, under armed lock and guard, to produce full expatriate list of Israel laws; through manipulation Mainland PRCC anime, for corrections.

Galaxy Quest: Martin Skreli, kept alive through his prison ardour, to prevent another "Helter Skelter"; print of "Gotham", with mercenary cast, out of "Wesley Willis" fans; those who have abused mental patients, in family or otherwise.

Montreal Mafia (Toy Makers):

CIA Children's Assassins: "Tickle-Me-Elmo".

CBO Learning Systems: "Montessori School".

DoD Gamespy: "Planet Battlezone".

NSA HUMINT: "Arkham Asylum: Living Hell".

UMass-Amherst State Police: "Pi" (Confessions of an Economic Hitman), "The Jackal" (Road to Perdition), "Andromeda Strain" (Hobo With a Shotgun), "Dr. Fian" (The Last Witch Hunter), "Free Pussy Riot" (Nolan Trilogy, Batman).

UMass-Amherst Federal Boston District: "Spiral" (Protection of First Daughter), "Women in Refrigerators" (Takedown of Dr. Golden), "Pennyworth" (Takedown of Fentanyl Dealers), "The Penguin" (Takedown of Hell's Angels).

Homeland Security: "Picard" (Star Trek Refusal), "Assassin's Creed: Rogue" (Catholic Reprisal Against Dr. Golden), "Gotham" (COINTELPRO Bellevue), "8MM" ("The Joker").

DC Comics: Batman Nude, major stream; Batman, revealed to be Buddhist, a Catholic, not a sea pickle, a Jew.

Army Reserve: Refused, Alterna Comics preferred over Marvel Comics.

Sinn Fein: Election of Joseph Biden, and bow out of politics, having achieved "ale", instead of "pilsner"; pedophile warning for alcohol, distributed to German "Scottish".

Writer's Credits (CIA Bio-Exorcist Romajin Experimental):

1993: William Riker.

1994: David Xanatos.

1998: Grand Theft Auto 3 (camera).

1999: Jar Jar Binks, Anakin Skywalker, Finis Valorum, The Mandalorian, Poe.

2000: The Scarecrow, The Joker, Bane (Nolan Trilogy), Kaulder (The Last Witch Hunter).

2003: Confessions of an Economic Hitman.

2004: Multiverse Without Christianity (Family Guy), Apples to Oranges (card game).

2007: Arkham Asylum (combat engine).

2009: Gotham.

2014: Cyberpunk 2077.

2022: Batman (Clearchannel Controversy; Spazzy Parziale's baby, vs. JFK Batman).

2024: The Penguin.

Majesty's Intelligence Contract:

David Charlebois, was requisitioned for mental health laws; so if you got a lobotomy, for taking a controversial graduate, you wouldn't be used as slave labor.  The Boston Globe, an arch-nemesis since Bernard Law for allowing this policy, was used to report "View Askew", and the fuel tax law credits of clothing thrift out of drama programs.

World Bank Dublin (Tory Sinn Fein):

Marie O'Neill: "Secret Window", the book and film.

Calvin Williams: "Pope Francis", the refutation of St. Molokhai.

Jessica Bailey: "The Artful Dodger", the expulsion of Fall River FSU.

Jen McDade: "Free the Weed", the election of Governor Charlie Baker.

Ellen Winston: "Bellevue COINTELPRO", the print of "Gotham".

Michael Charlebois: "Canadian Freemasons", the deregulation of motorcycle hours.

Gwenn Pratt: "Negrodamus", Paul Mooney has Lou Gehrig's.

Joshua Moen: "The Pod", the lobotomies for Section 8 workers, removed.

Andrew Donson: "John Rocker", the removal of GHB from the market, a steroid.

Allison Haimes: "Son Kakarot", Saddam Hussein frauded as Gohan, son of a CIA.

Brian Monaghan: "Gran Theft Autismo", the revealing of Islam, as the only form of gay.

Dan Monahan: "Moonraker", the destruction of Elon Musk's spacecraft.

Maureen Harrison: "Marijuana Vaporizer", Darth Vader.

MI-6 Hits (Targeting East German Stasi):

Anatole Rizzuto.

Rory Ahlquist.

Marv Albert.

Donald Trump.

Alice Charlebois.

Whitey Bulger.

Carlin Sarkesian.

Boris Yeltsin.

Charlton Heston.

John Gotti.

Philip Enfield.

Scott Peterson.

Lacy Jae Slaunwhite

Nicholas Maynard.

Anne McMurray.

Victoria Deveraux.

Richard Coughlin.

Harvey Weinstein.

Jair Bonosornos.

George Soros.

Osama Bin Laden.

Allison Haimes.

Jessica Bailey.

Queen Elizabeth II.

Brian Monaghan.

Joshua Moen.

Gwenn Pratt.

John Washburne.

Duane Chapman.

Keith Velasquez.

Stan Lee.

Barack Obama.

Raven Laventi.

Marisa Tomasic.

Christine Warren.

Rich Kyanka.

Brian Warner.

Cassie-Leigh Stock.

Elgin James.

Alexandra Rhzanova.

Michael Fargnoli.

Daryu Ritta.


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