Featured Films (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer)


Online Arrests Filed, through "Glamour Girl":

1996: Andrew Wachowski, "nil".

1997: Carrie-Anne Moss, "Damn-Yankee".

1998: Brian Monaghan, "qwerty".

1999: Keanu Reeves, "Howie".

2000: Rich Kyanka, "Toggan".

2001: Anthony Weiner, "Betty".

2002: Larry Wachowski, "Apathy".

2003: Hugh Jackman, "Ghul".

2004: Sayed Adnan, "Petula".

Hannibal Rising:

Michael Charlebois: "Cain", a spy's accountant, out of "Chutzpah", a political artist.

Alice O'Neill: "Kilpatrick", a female spy, out of "U'Niall", a spy's slaver.

Kenny Winston: "Weinstein", a Gentile's banker, out of "Cromwell", a German fire fighter.

Ryan Taylor: "Gaylord", a Buddhist assassin, out of "Polk", an optometrist.

Katie Stevens: "Stevenson", a Jamaican drug runner, out of "Alexander", a Macedonian inventor.

Matthew Lennox: "Satan", a Jewish king, out of "Nigger", a Parisian actor's mother to Scipio Africanus.

John Remby: "Roosevelt", a poverty demanded leader, out of "Alexander", a Macedonian inventor.

Pasquale Acosta: "Ibn Rashid", a Medina Arab, out of "Princeps", a Central Powers mercenary.

William Morgan: "Davis", a Southern cotton obsessive, out of "Hamilton", a treasurer's informant's officer.

Mark Salib: "Harding", a munitions developer, out of "Gilgamesh", a sugar salesman.

Cassie-Leigh Stock: "Donalban", a Puerto Rican Aryan, out of "Gould", a fascist writer for Francisco Franco.

Alexandra Gaetano: "Crowley", an Irish priest, out of "Brian", the victim of Christ.

Jenna Williamson: "Bundy", a Canadian spy, out of "Booth", a Mossad hired assassin.

Zach Savell: "Morales", a firefighter's inventor, out of "Aragorn", the first cowboy.

Maureen Harrison: "Harrison", a poisoner artist Gadze, out of "Cornwallace", a disgraced general.

Jen McDade: "Aensley", a British banker, out of "Lemerise", a British cop family.

Jeremy Stevens: "Mosley", a Group Force Leader, out of "Oswald", a British undercover agent.

Raven Bush: "Desperado", a Comanche Sheriff, out of "Joseph", a defeated Greek.

David Cohen: "Adolph", a German Turkish spy, out of "Ataturk", a cigarettes salesman.

Nicholas Maynard: "Hayes", a patent swindler, out of "Bourbon", a female transgender.

Allison Haimes: "Chi Minh", a CIA undercover, out of "The Duke of York", a professional British knife fighter.

Greg Connolly: "Visser", an Afrikaans Irish, out of "Lan Ray", a Boer Holocaust victim.

Brian Monaghan: "Myers", a KGB Ireland, out of "Carnegie", a Scottish Knight.

Ivan Tomasic: "Dahmer", a professional first strike mutually assured destruction pilot, out of "Ljudovich", an Austrian Black Shirt.

Christopher Sweeney: "Sween", a Black Baron Schultzstaffel, out of "Washington", a Romalian Boelyn.

Joshua Moen: "Van Zant", a professional raconteur assassin, out of "Chaucer", a Knight's Guard.

Bernice Lamb: "De Salvo", a Nietzschean Ubermensch, out of "Panzram", a sculptor author.

Joshua Golden: "Eshkol", an intelligence programs founder, out of "Mosaic", a Hittite Prince.

Uma Thurman: "Magnusdotter", a bodybuilder assassin, out of "Catherine", a surmised monarch.

Joseph Biden: "Capone", a police officer criminal, out of "James of Scotland", a legal reformer.

Lloyd Ahlquist: "Agnew", a Rabbinical entomologist, out of "Bin Laden", a prison convicts manager.

Will Ferrell: "Adams", a carnival's lover, out of "Pedro II", a harbormaster.

Joseph Kennedy III: "Kenway", a pork meats distributor, out of "Kennedy", a Tepes, a cannibal.

Star Wars Episode 1-3:


"Duo": Shaun Wilcox, Hawaiian Coastal Engineer, US Navy Japan.

"Libra": James Holmes, DC Comics Development, Mossad Counter-Bay Station.

"Leo": Jeffrey Lange, Cleveland Rotary Association, Finance and Debitures Apartment.


"Blueberry": Police code on APB scanner, to catch "ranger patrols", off cented Mounted and Royal Mounted sections (Canadian-German, Protestant Universalist).

"WTC Location Grab": Profiling of Osama Bin Laden, three days after 9/11, to DC Comics Location and Transition Wards, Mossad Afghanistan; Tora Bora Prison Complex.

"San Andreas": Capture of Toris Nelby, British Co Anchor Author, "Crack Underground"; while in live transit of threat of CIA agent Peter Tsapatsaris, "Nails", posing as "Peebo" on internet as fraud of Russian-Jewry infiltrating CIA Annex Three; Winchester Frauds, IDF Biotech Experiments. Toris Nelby, "Peebo", detained and "destroyed", by fired rounds, from Eric Frein.


"British Exemplar": Takeover of Japan by Warerra Party, masquerading Clone Wars film, recently released, by "Lucas Arts", as actual factual plan of attack; Pearl Harbor, as represented by "Kleinmen", Rohypnol dealers for Mossad.

"Gutwill Five": Seizure of criminal resources and allies of Framingham Narcotics, rogue Israeli Defense Forces section of Massachusetts cops, out of Jewish gangsters in Ohio; biker gangs, Canadian Freemasons.


"Assassin's Creed": Creation of Assassin's Creed concept, as alternative to parents pamphlets to place children in Mossad underground as "Moslems" or "Mussulman".

"Guantanamo Live Range Agent": Use of third degree interrogator's training from mother's Marine NCO doctor, "Glen", to hunt his killers inside INTERPOL's top ranks; Gwenn Pratt, John Washburne, Steven Charlebois, Brian Monaghan, Alexandra Gaetano, and John Kerry.

"Philips Freemasons of Boston": Stage point of removal of Ted Bundy catchem code, to take over Boston Triads for FBI and State Police, through Cyber Command aegis helix on Los Angeles Police Department server scans; return of Chinese to American policing, as FBI informants and cover agents, against rising tide of Taiwanese nationalism; unions and Russian-Jewish consortiums of film and media logic.

"Pinkville": The strike on the Hell's Angels as a capture turn of the Canadian Freemasons for operating criminal ventures in factories, sports leagues, and boarding schools, to turn children into slaves and writers and prison convicts; the French and British Freemasonic attempt to undo Bill Clinton's peace for labor, athletics, and prison inmates.

"Hideous Karl": Use of Jack Unterweger's serial killer profile, tying a necktie for a business meeting, taught by Scoutmasters in male and female scout troops, for any career or American act, to pen research work for Christopher Nolan, MGM, and FOX.

"The Steroids Scandal": Outing American-Japanese pharmaceuticals, and MI-6 doctors, for selling performance enhancing steroids, Suboxone, for decades, under different brands and claim of brands; the public lawsuit against Dr. Joshua Golden, of United Health Associates, by the Attorney General of Massachusetts, Maura Healey.

"The Kennedy Campaign": Legalized marijuana, certified safe and non-sprayed by tree surgeons elected by towns, free from media myth presented on Holland and British telecasts, or by journalist work by High Times magazines authors. Held under tax stamps, through the State Police.

"Spiral": The culmination of three decades of work, as an NSA, from kindergarten to the mid-thirties, in the takedowns of INTERPOL, On Leong Tong, the Unitarian Church, and MI-6. The culmination of years of experience, placed in two blog reformatories, "Lex Luthor and the Sudbury Boys", and "Spiral - The Batman Killer", the prior academic references, the latter actual career references. The shutdown of the "United Nations Security Council", by planting a forged work on American Marxism from 2003, from an economics business professor at UMass-Amherst, Gerald Friedman, through the actual United Nations; published independently overseas, by those dependent on the United Nations as an American CIA entity; falsely framed as MI-6. The same NSA trick, used on Stephen Glass, a Vatican affiliated lawyer out of the Italian government's Nortel structure.


Joshua Moen: Keep the President's secret about Raven Bush getting stoned, or Cam Hollopeter marries your wife. But you don't have a wife, you're in love with Superman. Not Batman.

Method: Men's writing and literature styles, conflict terms of endearment in imago transformation.

Keanu Reeves: Clear Ben Brown of raping Raven Bush, or place yourself in perpetuity of your film, "The Matrix 1", being owned by the Crown Government.

Method: RTS counselor first sight response, however on public Majesty's review in Court.

Jenna Williamson: Place wired testimony through VFW, and accept your draft into the United States photographic corps unit for an upcoming military conflict.

Method: Coverage of the USS Cole bombing, being varied into a "K", the "Kierney" Amish mark on Marlboro cigarettes.

Ben Brown: Admit into economics program despite not earning a valedictorian's GPA through gymnastic and academic marks in highschool, or a military tour on apprenticeship to warrant officer status.

Method: US Presidential merits and statuses of badge, passed, during freshman year orientation.

Matthew Lennox: Separation from Raven Bush, under her alias, "Silver Laventi", at UMass-Amherst; attempting to engage for Elks Club, the Drake family, to remove from David's vicinity and allow him to take a law career for the Winchester CIA undercover in Israeli biotech medical testing on "Goyim", humans that have done DXM.

Method: Interjection through a Coen, the "Chutzpah" family, and placement of Raven inside the German underground as a medical advisor.

Peter Tsapatsaris: Outing that the name and alias used, is false, linking instead to a black drug dealer murdered on the MUSH.

Method: Interpreting with the actual alias, as the individual being extorted by the claimed name, out of Brian Monaghan's connection to NEWS Harvard, the studio print for the Boston Herald.

Brett Norman: Moving between ExSec operations controller, Andre Berube, after being recruited for role, and a permanent incarceration in Pembroke, watched by Steven "The Rifle" Flemmi.

Method: Placement in Pembroke military ward facility, to remove Rhode Island judge in league with Israeli Medical Authority.

The Matrix:

British Commonwealth (UK) Positions:

Boris Yeltsin: Claim, working through America for economic reestablishment.

Elie Wiesel: Claim, working to prevent anti-Semitism in United States.

Stan Lee: Claim, working in an MI-6 brand to teach police morals.

Queen Elizabeth II: Claim, defending British Isles against Adolf Hitler's traditions.

George W. Bush Jr.: Claim, Shriner's Freemasonic Lodge of England.

Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) Roles:

Boris Yeltsin: National Rifle Association.

Elie Wiesel: Romalian Federation.

Stan Lee: Hitler Youth.

Queen Elizabeth II: Catholic-Sepulchre Jewish Orthodoxy.

George W. Bush Jr.: Kaiser's Lodge.


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