Espionage Career of Alice Claire O'Neill

 Quiz: Colombian Army techniques, to hunt Vasily Zaitsev for siding with Jewish-Cyrillic print topics.  Rifle accumulation.

Beatles #1: The preparation of Mark David Chapman, with pistol handsmanship, while on travel allegedly in hospital; then the federal ban on John Lennon smoking cigarettes, through David Carlson, Israeli Defense Forces.  The severance of contract, between Beatles, and the Nation-State of Israel.

Counter-Samson Prints: Diamond Are Forever, Superman 2, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Lady in Red, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (comic, original print), Omega Red (Marvel character, first writ, to counter Malcolm X, "The Rhino"), Megaman 1, Serial Mom, Aaliyah: Queen of the Damned.

Childhood Sweetheart: The hunts of stalkers of American agents, through rape parties, carried out by Irish morgue doctors, in Protestant faith of Beacon Hill's Boston Mossad.

Hunting the Jackal: The initiation of the Berkowitz scandal, by CIA agent David Berkowitz, being brought in to hunt Prince Andrew, hunting Carlos the Jackal in New York.  Sperm plant in Vietnamese community, of secret Royalist Romanis (Lancaster Edinburghs, the Goerring line, hers also, Dulles), before the frame of Berkowitz as the shooter with a flare gun into a male spy, an FBI agent.

Silence of the Lambs: The placement of self as a male Down's Syndrome, to induce FBI Agent Thomas Harris into castration surgery, GHB (Russian steroids, Respiradone/Suboxone), to get writ of Manhunter, Silence of the Lambs, and film adaptations formed; basis, Hannibal Lector, Alice Claire O'Neill, Dr. Hannibal Lecter, Steven Charlebois.

The South Park Model: Placement of medical secretary files on law credits for snitching on refusal of sex with another student, into nurse hygienist records of child to be raised as Charles Manson, with prison defense inverted through accounting of Michael Charlebois; notes stolen, and given to Ellen Winston, as "Charlebois Family Cook Book".  The lawyer's child, is Eric Cartman, forever.

Pie Lady: The creation of Willow Tree Pie, Table Talk, and Werzel, to destroy any family eating it or furnishing it, through placement of Moxie advertisement for chicken biscuit in a Lemonheads stand, at Walgreens in Jamaica Plain; the comics book aisle opens, allowing a plant of the three ingredients, as Butterscotch Candy, by Werthers.

Whitey Bulger: The placement of a stilt knife in Whitey Bulger's right eye socket, a blunt blade, to make conversion or positioning of Judaism or Islam, mutual, impossible; hence clinical insanity, blamed on Brian Halloran, a notable writer for the Coen Brothers (Chutzpah, the Fuhrer).

Resident Evil: The investigation of Charleboises, own marital family, frauding the Panchos, as Ponchertain mine owners; actually stake out of Indiana, "Morton's Salt"; performed by placing a principal's "cheque", to "Seymour Skinhead", into Avery Brooks' mail box, with the script for "Elim Garak" and "Gul Dukat", however identical, except for cell phone line; at the time, experimental technology, developed by Gene O'Neill, for CIA.


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