Political Achievements (Congressional Budget Office, Ronald Reagan)


1989: Drop of Berlin Wall, informed tip to Holy See on Rabbi Anatole; vice and collegiate draft, of athletes wife.  Polish Jewish labor mills, Gentile produced pork; isolated Israeli produce, to Arabia.

1992: Removal of amphetamines from children's medicine, IQ test revealed passage on State Police Captain's examination at maximum level; other child, converted Converso, allowed to return as Judaism; end of Sino-Judaic movement, Egyptian.

1996: Informed tip on Andrew Wachowski, Carrie-Anne Moss, and Raven Laventi, for enslavement of dominatrixes, preferred wives of Garfield Lodge rules, however as submissives, as if common prostitutes; rule reformed, 1860s, President James Garfield, Battle of Shiloh; wars won, Vicksburg, and Wilderness.

1999: Murder of Alice C. O'Neill, claimed named Charlebois, for Colombian betrayal into Likud, past war advisors of Chinese enemy; signals of CVS German-Israel alliance with PRCC-Diet, Japanese South Korean transit.  Dragonball produced, at siding with North Korea, and the People's Republic of Communist China.  Future trade partners, under George W. Bush, "Joshua Tree".

2003: Yeltsin revealed through Hopkinton, Massachusetts, as center basin of school shootings, beginning in 1990s; Holocaust History Museum, disapproval of temporary lesbianism, for shame of being Holocaust victims; German-Israel revealed as being the prime conspiracy, Israelis thrown out of orders as Wehrmacht.  Rise of George Soros, Romalian, having had a precognitive accident, on motorway, dueling Mossad.

2004: Revealing of External Security pimping scandal, through Hamas; beginning of mathematical frequency, planted by Wiccans, Confederate-Catholics, to reform with African and Asian communities.  Spanish pimping, "Ali", Episcopal drafts, "Popeye", Irish cops, "Blintzen", German spies, "Schnitzel", and remaining endeavors, Russian factories, "Google", African voudoun, "Mosey", and British fascist, "Mandatory".

2006: Sheriff's Cajun, of Fugitive Slave Act, removed through frame of Marvel Comics, under auspice of Hell's Angels; Third Degree interrogation, of Lairds of gender therapy, the mating of wives to unusual genomes of logic.  Shut down, by lesbian accusations, the combined Kampuchean logic of all tribals associated, having been declared as poorly invertebrate.  Friends Stand United, contacted, for Hollywood hit; the Foreign Office, readmission to destiny.  The CIA's blessing, given, to learn new lessons.

2010: Suicide Squad on print; dietary disorders, of major operatives, offered as medicine and pills; except for Captain Boomerang, tomato sauce, potentially deadly kill ratio; "Vile", "Vava"; Doctor Ciel Mallory, Alice O'Neill.  

2013: Murder of Whitey Bulger, for releasing secret that the Beatles, was anti-British, and that homosexual children steal brides, through the "Beatles", on forged check proxy of self, on strike to head; with lesbians, allowed to marry, however caged and hazed and brutally murdered, if a fan of American music of British recording studio print.

2016: Separation of factory unions, white supremacists, ordered, for African civil rights, blacks being the foundational bedrock of community, opposed to Asians; simpleton little people, working in small factories, without any ability to express own face.  Racial inferiors, compared to Africans; Africans incapable of murder, Asians incapable of yielding.  John Rocker.

2020: Mass quandry quarry, of INTERPOL, Unitarians, Tong, MI-6, and Abwehr, as Art Bell subscribers, held in prison facilities apart from wives and children; children turned over to CIA indentures, as orphans, to become proper Americans, as State Police Colonels; any dissenting, ignored by news, their supporting journalists indemnified, by Mayor Wu, of Boston.

2024: Gay leaders outed, as George W. Bush, Kim  Jong-un, and Crown Prince William; having claimed own condition, is the other, the inability to produce a child, instead adopting under false claim; German-Mormon.


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