National Security Office (NSA Writer's Corps)

Guantanamo Bay Service Forward (United States Navy; Hawaiian Coast Engineers):

Gwenn Pratt, Hell's Angels: Rosemary's Baby.

John Washburne, Marvel Comics: South Park.

Steven Charlebois, Boston Mossad: Nosferatu.

Brian Monaghan, German Intelligence: Hard Candy.

Alexandra Gaetano, Liberation Rock: Thus Sprach Zarathustra.

John Kerry, Irish Skulls: Profiles in Courage.

ATF (Warren G. Harding Rotary Association; Greater Grocer Supplies of New England Egypt):

Union Carbide: Marijuana Trade.

Northrup Grumman: Persian Gay Rights.

Google: Parent Teacher Authority.

Mutual Commonwealth Non-Payer: New England Patriots.

Exxon-Mobil: Israeli Bail Services.

VOICE: Marital Unions Off of Slim Jims.

Corsican Union: Reality Television of Medicine.

Trump Organization: YouTube.

FOX: DC Comics.

Disney: Marvel Comics.

Knights of Columbus: Ace Comics.

Prudential Life Insurance: Twitter.

West Point Academy: Fetish Lifestyle.

FBI: Fur Lifestyle.

Trump Organization (Japanese Yakuza; Ryonkondon Federation, Comics and Video Games):

Death Race 2000: Jeffrey Lange, through UNESCO Vice.

CB4: Franklin Spencer, through DC Comics Los Angeles Sheriff's Department.

Run Ronnie Run: Christiano Marisco, through the Real Irish Republican Army.

8MM: William Morgan, through East End Games.

Bowfinger: Alexandra Gaetano, through Code Pink.

EON (Arizona Air Services; Take Back the Night, UMass-Amherst Services, Stonewall Center and Pink Pride):

Le Chiffre: Pimping refused and reduced, outside of UMass-Amherst bounds.  Saved, Jen McDade.  Assassinated, Hunter S. Thompson.

Mister White: El Paso Border Control, shut down, refused from hunts of drug users.  Saved, Jimmy Antony.  Assassinated, Shinchiro Abe.

Raoul Silva: Megaman MUSH, revealed as US Navy investment, in fraud of ownership by Canadian Mounted Patrol.  Saved, Jessica Bailey.  Assassinated, Stan Lee.

Ernst Stavro Blofeld: Prints of news and reals revealed as produced by stalkers from Marvel Comics, through Hell's Angels.  Saved, Gwenn Pratt.  Assassinated, Moisse Patel.

Safin Lucypher: Plague and virus system, revealed as a hoax, by own incarceration.  Saved, Jenna Williamson.  Assassinated, Joseph Ratzinger.

Holy See (St. John the Evangelist's, Hopkinton Parish; Archdiocese of Boston, Cardinal Bernard Law):

Heath Ledger: Sold high mark contract, for being MI-6 Assassins Corps, in placement of cop contract, on behalf of Mark Firman and FOX.

OJ Simpson: Sold special book, for seizure by Major League Baseball, in removal of rights of Israeli Pink Press, Haratz, from printing Americans that are hospitalized, in prison, or dead, "spies".

Osama Bin Laden: Sold Panera Bread recipe, from Weeks family, alias "Tom the Bagger"; killed for corrections labor monopoly, through Bourbons, female jockeys, given labioectomies, for lesbian marriages as spies.

Anton Sziandor Lavey: Sold damaged golf game, through Epic Rap Battles of History, fed into Peter Tsaptsaris and Lloyd Ahlquist; "Diamonds are Forever", history major as a homophobe, Crusades of the Arab world until Israel, Latin-America, and United States, Vatican perspective.

Whitey Bulger: Sold prison beating requested, however revealed at the end to be without eternal life; blinded, hence unable to see into own eyes.  A repayment for a life of sorrow, having refused to cease at a CIA role, for a transfer into a higher unit, in the same class of intelligence.

British Intelligence (John Warren Freemasonic Temple; Secret Lodge Master Joseph Biden):

INTERPOL: Takedown of three school shooters, hired out of vice unions, to prevent marijuana use among parents of highschool, college, and professional quarterbacks of handegg.  Carlin Sarkesian, Philip Enfield, Keith Valesquez.  Majordomo removed, "Andrew Donson"; German Literature Department, University of Massachusetts-Amherst.

John Hancock: Expulsion of Tong from current and collegial affairs of CIA, to break Mossad pact out of North Boston, the Italian Mafia, and to remove Africans from the slavery of rap, hip hop, and rave.  Michael Mullet Jr., Thomas Menino, John Remby, and "Dr. Golden"; United Health Associates, sex toys and vibrators of "real feel"; forced bisexual, female domination circuit, sex for prostitution as female pleasure.

Unitarian Church: Revealing Unitarians as dead faith, replaced by Totenkopf, to escape Mossad during World War 2 and related events through Odessa and Ratline networks, Spain and Yugoslavia.  Cassie-Leigh Stock, Christine Warren, and Michael Fargnoli, found in grand assets fraud, of Harrison's Betting Parlor, on order of Queen of England; White's Gambling Parlor, Lord of Parliament, diamonds and exchequers, Charlemagne Lumber Families of Canada; "Wainwright".

Swedish Nobel Prize Committee: Removing implements of witch hunters and African communities hunting Barcas for Pharaohs, from Massachusetts medicine, to protect Baker administration and majordomo control of local states rights of civics, from disastrous tax politics outside of Redcoat Reformed standards, through Holy See and Vatican Roman Catholic Church.  State Police interdictions of "Pink Skald", "Dr. Leo", "Cherna Gast", "Stealth Fox", and "Jessica Bailey"; caught on ground and expelled, at expense of GPS safety in NSA HUMINT.

Prudential Life MI-6: Revealing of corruption in British ranks, at demand of policy of narcotics control of vodka, cigarettes, and marijuana, upon centering triangle of aim at reticle of American power.  Rogue force found and removed, through gold offered to Crown Prince and now King Charles III, revealed as Nazi gold; Prince Consort of Denmark, actually Belfast Irish.  Mother revealed as pawn of Aleister Crowley, money given revealed as purchase of Wehrmacht corrections unions, son Harry revealed as a Tartar, a Jew, not a Romalian, a Lancaster, and cancer spigot inserted to give own personal power at highest grandeur of Arab Legion.

Essex Deputies Union (CIA; Investor: Prosecutor Joseph Kennedy III):

Deputies Managed Avoidances:

John Gotti ("Free the Weed", state police enforce rackets with coupons, mob in poverty without marijuana and police tenants in hostels).

Charles Floyd ("Master Herbert", the incarceration of Insane Clown Posse Mossad, investigation into Yardies "secret courts", the Russian Mafia).

Steven Flemmi ("The Entwhistle Incident", murder of Spanish Republican accountant family, John Warren Freemasonic Temple).

Vincent Gigante ("Hard Candy", Air Force investigation into Taunton Behavioral Ward, Queen Elizabeth II marked for war crimes tribunal, at duel of statesmanship).

Ted Bundy ("The Biggest Loser", mass incarceration of Canadian spies, all claiming allegiance to David Charlebois as United States President, of the MUSH).

Charles Manson ("Exalted", long range reconnaissance mission, the capture of John "Cusack" Washburne, for pedophilia related to Marvel Comics research, "The Amazing Spider-Man").

Timothy Leary ("Sin City", reprogramming of Ivan Tomasic, Secret Service, into Alan Moore, DC Comics Laureate).

Jack Unterweger ("The Dark Knight Rises", print of Bellevue program as "Law and Order: Gotham City", dooming Barack Obama to status as psychiatric patient controlled by the Jesuits; "Gotham", hits the airwaves, on FOX).

Moshe Dayan ("Point Break", rescue of Dr. Joshua Golden, from B'nai B'rith Sheriffs service, South revealed as an anti-Semite).

Richard Ramirez ("Autism Candles", shutdown of Clinton Foundation and oil numbers out of Jordan, Bill Clinton informed Jordan has no oil, just a large and shallow river; already mined for gold, 2000 BC, "Hindu Dindu").

Reinhard Heydrich ("Covid-19", Taiwan invades Ukraine, to take away Russia's only food and water supply; Elon Musk, representative of INTERPOL, triumphs, at creating a black hole, the Twitter universe).

NSA HUMINT (ACLU; Investor: Johnsonville Sausage)

Larry Hama: Stage for CIA run into recruitment for NSA HUMINT, through creation of Destro, Dragonier, and Gambit Card, out of plant and then claim of espionage having discovered.

Larry Hama: Theft of materials to produce CIA films and materials, through school records; proven, with model for "Cypher", having produced independent material for infiltrator inside Mossad; East German Intelligence, Stasi CVS.

Hugo Strange: Informed document to public about DC Comics' relationship to depictions of CIA test projects out of Hollywood actor's studios.

Hugo Strange: Daughter placed under real name, Cassandra Cain, in own comic book of print; hence, through reasoning, one could deduce that DC Comics and other brands were not only real, but Mob ethics on behalf of United States government for privileged families.

Boris Yeltsin: Revealing of Hopkinton Greater Schools to be behind school shootings nation-wide, on behalf of Holocaust History Museum.

Boris Yeltsin: Murder of double agent, through own double agent; Carlin Sarkesian placed as cleaner, on Respite Center, "God" held as a slave, through Jenny O'Neill, precognitive autistic.  Own agent, Daniel Monahan, escaped and evacuated, through Hanoi intelligence, Secret Intelligence Division, out of Bridgewater Triangle.

John Gotti Jr.: UPenn given stage to legalize marijuana, for John Warren Freemasonic Temple; Azure Lodge.

John Gotti Jr.: High house of Coolidge Foundation, through Alcoholics Anonymous; chapel of Jews, hiding in ceremony, and rumored to be sexual sodomists, through own print of myth; actually enforcers through NYPD business, of different mall functions, prepondered into Coolidges through Fillmores, taking the Meirs (the Fillmores) and enslaving them to the Donalbons (the Coolidges).  Hence, Puerto Rico, ran "The Lodge" (the Elks Club), the marijuana investment; lives sold to South America, torture and rape, comfort women out of the Yakuza, instead of Africa, a society of Africans unable to commit crime unless with firearm (anti-psychotics imbibed, a military British amplifier deliberately for genome-linked phalanges, finger bones and muscles).

Jacques Chirac: Submission of African charity fund for development, and refreshed study of African genome, by People's Republic of Communist China.

Jacques Chirac: Removal of expectation of payment upon return of wealth, an old NSA policy, out of campus records and schools developments unit; instead, computers, shampoo, and textbooks of Biblical literature, offered to Africa, at free charge and surplus, having been held in American warehouses for no particular purpose; nothing returned by asked, hence fealty given between American Africans, and African Continentals, the arrangement between Shane O'Neill and the Bourbons.

John McCain: Shutdown of international pimping by Catholic Vatican.

John McCain: The discovery of women sold to journalism degrees, as lesbians, through a marijuana arrest, in highschool, for preferencing against anti-Semites; anti-Semites, being the common simplified worker, hence sales of flesh in Oman, Afghanistan, China, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Israel, impreferable; rich husbands out of farms, married to women preferring complexity of afflect, a Catholic marriage.  Demoted by John McCain, a Protestant; the Jews.

Marisa Tomasic: Acting as Russian espionage, against the interests of Russia; Russia does not have espionage, they have unions.

Marisa Tomasic: The KGB, is a hygiene unit for housing, managing staff; the CIA, is a jurisdictions unit, international economics majors; the UN, is a lawyer's force, an American watch dog group based on intelligence and labor surplus labor, seeking to defraud America.  Hence, a Russian spy, is inappropriate, to own labor base of backing, being an NSA's job; however decrypting records, for Apple, of base computers, out of learning hospital stalks, dating back centuries into Hebrew Geneology; not Jewish, but perhaps Wehrmacht; the IBM machine from the Holocaust, in Germany.

Queen Elizabeth II: Outing as encouraging homosexuality in Germany through writer's submissions as preteen.

Queen Elizabeth II: The child letters, to German politicians, especially to Adolf Hitler; posing as older, for marriage, and rebelling against a heterosexual marriage, with her invention, "small penis humiliation"; the throne of England, rejecting a man capable of an erection, and production of semen, white, staining yellow; gay men, Nazis, producing urine, incapable of erection, and a laborous penis shape at all times; incapable of higher logic, with a hair pair of testicles, and if a lesbian, a hairy ass crack, the official term in women's culture; the Queen of England unaware, being underage, to the point of comedy.  Admission to rape, by Aleister Crowley, the fiction model of "James Bond", since the first "Carlos the Jackal", Sir Ian Fleming.

Eric Frein: Mistrial for reason of murder of Heather Siebert.

Eric Frein: Alias, "Harlan Rosen", an active roleplayer out of Holocaust History logic, claiming to be COBRA, the Canadian intelligence system out of insurance for police and teachers, for demand of court date tracking; turned out to be a homeless drifter, armed and exchanged in weapons systems, from training as a child at hunting ranges; abeded to motel and hotel logic, having caused Heather Siebert's genetic dysfunction due to being a "Murphy"; not a gene or family but having placed a judge's abridgement on a civilian, any of whom are now homosexual, hence having a "gym shred", having transferred a sexless deity into a woman, of herself as nullified, a "Goddess".

Woody Harrelson: Advocacy for town puritan codes applied to prevent business competition with secondary and separate trades of Italy.

Woody Harrelson: Army Intelligence, NYPD, and State Police, now speaking out against Puritan "blue laws", the United States policy of placing Catholic Sepulchres (the weekend), Catholic law (Sunday School), and Jewish Samedi (the Synagogue), on divisions of labor for universal closing of businesses and logic given labor policy; merging labor and foreign cultures of trade, destroying business policies and necessitating United States Army Intelligence; M. Night Shmalayan trusted, except for the bodybuilder, to create two children, to do what he does, instead of have his day in court.  A very famous man.

Rival Art Sketches:

Congressional Budget Office:

Dragonball: Registered as a 135 IQ, mental age over real age, on reader's test; listed as state police captain test, under Massachusetts state guilds.  Rhode Island CVS, listed as mentally impaired, due to reason of three assaults (Christophe Stevens, Matthew Lennox, Robert Wolfinackis), however alternating method and reasons; all self-defense.  Each, registered as an assailant's son, through Jewish Advocacy of Husband's law, a psychiatric marriage of wife registered as Synagogue.  However, own father, same law, but marital counseling sought; Catholic, out of Fatima Shrine and La Sallette, of Attleboro.

Target: Angela Merkel.


Halo: Gamespy breach of Mossad servers, on Usenet.  Trump Organization (Master Chief and the Marines), dismantled for possession of hentai cartoons; analyzed by CIA and Boston Municipal Police, out of State Police liaisons with Chinese-Mainland training in forensics and art, with open letters and newspapers sent and intercepted through housing for Freemasonic Temple of Hopkinton (John Warren, Army of the North; against the Klan and MI-6).  Each leadership figure of "The Covenant", based on a popular Protestant Ministry (Jerry Falwell, Fred Phelps, and James Bakker, with "The Flood" as MoveOn and the German tank investment.

Target: Donald J. Trump.

National Security Agency Junior Administrator:

World of Warcraft: The takedown of Rhode Island PD's corrections profiler unit, and the related franchise, "The Tick".  Traps and tricks and snares, for any police border patrol enforcement unit, found out of "EQ", the concept of equipment gathering; planted and placed through other games of adventure, turn-based, or real time role playing or RPG, as "mods", the old Quake concept that made the game such a popular franchise.  Placement of introduced logics, as outside the original "Blizzard" games, a Canadian property for social networks for the Rodenberry family (Rodhams, Dipetros, and Dwyers).

Target: Lincoln Chaffey.

University of Massachusetts Amherst, Confidential Informant:

Mean Bitches Dot Com: Normally, pornography actresses, are homeless women, the children of dead cops, dead spies, dead mobsters, dead drug dealers, and dead politicians; all on arrest and incarceration, these pornography actresses lost to the world; doomed to repeat life again and again, as a pin-up model.  However, Canada has arranged its most scandalous women, in international banker's finance out of France and Vancouver oil and logging, through daughters of descent, against the world's top anti-pornography advocates; the male slaves, kidnapped off the streets by the white vans of the California State Police Department, and given crack-cocaine, to lick all those butts and feet, that you don't think you can handle, because you don't even need membership to get off to these Mean Bitches.  But why not subscribe?

Target: Scott Peterson.

Air National Guard:

Sons of Anarchy: Postured as a one percenter in Northampton.  Postured as a schizophrenic online.  Registered Native American in highschool. Juice Ortiz is written as a "shot caller", a police envoy, inside a Canadian Freemason unit, in all prints of "Sons of Anarchy". Each prison character, written as assaulting the leadership in a Jewish police unit, a biker gang, and each African reference, actually referenced to Cardinal Bernard Law, the homophobic resistance to the National Socialist agenda out of the Federal Republic of Germany and its proxy access, the Nation-State of Israel.

Target: John McCain.

Homeland Security:

Quantum of Solace: Print of Kaulder in "The Last Witch Hunter", Scarecrow in "Batman Begins", Joker in "The Dark Knight", and Bane in "The Dark Knight Rises", as an assault on MI-6's properties in Proctor and Gambol, the Queen's properties in New England and her affiliates in the Church of Satan, Amway, The New England Patriots, Shin Bet, and Hebrew Basim, all envoys and overlays to Russia, through physics programs in England, New England, and Quebec.  The placement of her top representatives, "English Toffees", as "Dominic Greene", their common husband; Mizrahi Egyptian Coptic Christians, converted to Judaism, through being raised homosexual then taught Hebrew; Rabbinicals, however bodybuilders.

Target: Queen Elizabeth Lennox II of Tudor.

Department of Congress Comics:

The Life and Times of Tim: The print of Ivan Tomasic, as "Tim", from him attempting the operative's feats and pitfalls, through the words of Joshua James Moen, the Belgian ATF assigned to David Charlebois as case manager for Dr. Golden, through telnet investigations and search engine queries into pornography; as well as David's actual words and life stories, face to face, in Harvard, Amherst, and Boston.  The believed date and relationship, between Jenna Williamson, and David Charlebois, featured on television; Jenna Williamson, really Bombardier Learjet's representative, in the United States, and David Charlebois, married through his stepmother into Lockheed-Martin.  Both of them, Canadian firms.

Target: Benjamin Netanyahu.

Army Reserve:

Picard: John Dwyer, has claimed I am gay.  "Vox", will disprove all rumors, by identifying where the source of the infection was from.  Army Reserve, knew it had lost; but with a single writer, in a comic books program, they discovered where all those missing soldiers, voters, and husbands went.  To the maw of Big Butt Cassie Leigh-Stock, Succubutt.  And her witch's assistant, Christine Warren, and the enslaved bank man, Michael "Fargs" Fargnoli, "Dr. Wily" as they called him online on Megaman MUSH, had been caught red-handed on the profiling information.  They were pedophiles.

Target: Joseph Kennedy III.

National Security Agency Human Intelligence:

Batman 2022: Sometimes, the world needs a hero.  When it came to the work of Reddit, those humble graduates of George W. Bush's highschools, knew they needed an international consensus on chat, and the things we liked.  Not just in private, but all those topics of conversation, we could have.  But Dave Charlebois, wanted steak, and China, that was a chopped product.  Not even shaved steak, the Philadelphia classic that has brought the city so much hatred from its own residents, but prime rib.  Then, when inquiring, Dave found that Bugaboo Creek, had been shut down.  Clearly, a play would be necessary to incriminate the malefactors that had taken away the Conrad Cain Open-Faced Prime Rib Sandwich, by shutting down Bugaboo Creek.  And it was Spazzy Parziale, "Carmine Falcone".  Even snowbird chicken, was too much for him.

Target: Friends Stand United.

Biden Campaign:

The Alex Jones Report: What's the Deep State, Alex Jones?  It's education.  But you must think, it's American History X.  The Wiccans.  They eat all the same food you do, Alex.  But they butcher it in private.  Kindness to workers, you think?  Sure, but you can't be kind; you don't have the money.  They do.

Target: Wiccan Federation.

FBI Mossad Detroit (DC Comics; Investor, Massachusetts State Police):

Batman Begins:

Ra's al-Ghul: Andrew Donson, "Dr. Landon DeVry".

Scarecrow: Pasquale Acosta, "Dr. Glen".

Carmine Falcone: John Gotti Jr., "Coolidge Foundation".

Victor Zsasz: Peter Tsaptsaris, "Peebo".

The Dark Knight:

The Joker: Ivan Tomasic, "Beowulf".

Harvey Dent: Matthew Lennox, "Mastershaykh".

The Dark Knight Rises:

Catwoman: Allison Haimes, "Pteryx".

Bane: Jeffrey Lange, "Dr. Leo".

Talia al-Ghul: Lauren Caplan, "Arianna".


Red Hood: Calvin Williams.

Oswald Cobblepot: Andrew Schuck.

Barbara Kean: Cherna Gast.

Cat: Alexandra Rhzanova.

Riddler: Michael Nguyen.

Scarecrow: Ivan Tomasic.

Carmine Falcone: Patrick O'Neill.

Fish Mooney: Jenna L. Williamson.

Azrael: Andrew Brooks.

Tabitha Galavan: Allison Haimes.

Solomon Grundy: Michael Charlebois.

Harvey Dent: Charles Winston.

Pamela Isley: Cassie-Leigh Stock.

Jervis Tetch: William Morgan.

Sofia Falcone: Aubrey Bennet.

Ra's al-Ghul: Philip Goslin.

The Executioner: Cam Hollopeter.

Basilo Carlo: Brian McManamon.

Hugo Strange: BD Wong.

Jerome Valeska: Joshua Moen.

Jeremiah Valeska: Evan Brooks.

Bane: Ryan Gregson.

Nyssa al Ghul: Ruba O'Neill.

Sal Maroni: Jeffrey Lange.

Victor Zsasz: Brian Monaghan.

Firefly: Jessica Bailey.

Ventriloquist: Ban Ki-Moon.

Lazlo Valentin: David "Chet" Charlebois.

Batman (2022):

Carmine Falcone: Anthony Parziale.

Oswald Cobblepot: Lyndon Byers.

Catwoman: Kara Williamson Daignault.

Riddler: Christophe Stevens.

Joker: HJ Carver.


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