Green Berets Situational Reconnaissance (Rod and Gun Hopkinton, John Warren Lodge)

 Terror Assignments (Green Berets):

Reprieve Action: Usenet and Blockbuster Video identified as terror union for foreign attacks against US assets; Mossad identified as culprit, under Trump Organization.

Goldman Five-One-Zero: Hit on theater staff watching closed computer systems, out of NSA Hopkinton; EMC corporate international headquarters, identified as hacked.

Mathematical Non-Pointer: Madison Citizens Rights Laws reinstated, out of hospital dormitories and nurseries for changing staff and forensics councils of police; mistaken identity theft, prevented, by fraction logic of road safety.

Highway Star: Shutdown of Walpole Autoparts, for ATF strike team on OSHA councils plying military and police staff out of South Shore without highschool labor, through French unemployment agencies.

Cairo Mosque Hit: Muslim Brotherhood staged act through O'Neill family Dune analysis staged through Hillel House, UMass-Amherst, campus top police council.

Australian Union Veto: International unions established in goods per payer, so inventory analysis no longer staged to check down of fired employee from stolen personnels and material.

Traitor Saboteur One: MI-6 traitor to Hopkinton Freemasonic Temple identified; Union British territory, as revealed to be Confederate Reconstruction; ATF identifies textbooks as Protestant Irish and penned by Bulger Family, South Latin war criminal unions out of Sinn Fein; World War 2.

Demon Raid Ifrit: Downfall of Queen for Rotary Lodge comes to fruition; FBI raid of MI-6 materials from Taunton Behavioral, protected informant class, ONI, given to self, as assassin of Queen of England, head Rotary Lodge Parliament; Washingtons removed from power, Rotary Lodge control moves to Office of Naval Intelligence.

Triple Pickup Ring: Boston MBTA and New York Subways identified as under risk from Andrew Donson (aliases, Jim Shooter, Dr. Joshua Golden) and Lawrence Hama (aliases, Larry Hama, John Romita Sr.).  Two terrorists staged and captured, terror team of Hell's Angels captured through Salvo raid, covered clearance of Vampy Burillos, Green Berets, on assignment to break metro-terror plot in London on 7/7.

Day of the Dead: Mexican-American undercover and blown object alias code identified, to Japanese Self-Defense Forces; Ciudad National Intelligence established, through direct strike on Aaron Hernendez; NFL programmer on car sabotage by sonic sensors.

Carlos the Jackal: Jenna L. Williamson, Clan Bundy, identified as top candidate for deployment to Naval Veterans Corps; given single relay text dispatch, "Midnight's Children", through handler, Ivan Boris Tomasic, USAF Clandestine Unit, "X-Ray".

Terror Jack Rig Two: Tyrone Handler, "Blake Stone", Ludlow family, clears and authorizes for "headcase" program; ATF mission site to Bridgewater Triangle approved for deployment, enhancement lobotomy to rear left medulla oblongata, switch team between Jenna and Kara Williamson, transplant twins, given to meet undercover asset, "Grant One", Melinda O'Deele, and "Development Strain" ECT given to top amygdala.

Barracuda Site Eyes One: View Askew Canadian FOX network penetrated, CNN responder at sight identifies target material, removed on staged suicide with strychnine and high Afghan rat poison immunity (Tim Bombardier).

Queen's Blunder: Queen Elizabeth II, is struck at chess, in front of the Harry Potter reading club; George W. Bush ascends to high Turkish Lodge, and assassins begin, under self agent alias protocol, to eliminate MI-6 units who have suppressed war crimes in family, without inquiry, pressure, or Echelon Canada signal over open line.

Cigarette Smoking Man: Return to Overlord base, Boston PD, through mass dissemination of information; report program "Minority Report".


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