
Kilpatrick Clan of Connacht (Zombies Ate My Neighbors)

  The Zimmerman Telegram: Whitey Bulger (IDF Comics and Games): Yakuza Hit. OJ Simpson (Bohemian Jesuits): DC Comics Hit. Stan Lee (MI-6 Haganah): Microsoft Hit. Johnny Depp (Cree Tribal Mercenary): FBI Hit. Osama Bin Laden (Lafayette House Lodge): IRA Hit. Benjamin Netanyahu (Students Revolution CIA): Likud Hit. Elizabeth Lennox II (FRG Royal Irish Navy): MI-6 Hit. Isaiah Friedlander (USMC MI-6): Heaven's Gate Hit. George Lucas (CIA USMC): NKVD Hit. Anton Sziandor LaVey (Russian Orthodox Basim): CNI Hit. Jeffrey Lange (US Navy Hawai'i): Shah Hit. Hunter S. Thompson (Hell's Angels Canadian Freemasons): USAF Hit. Gwenn Pratt (Nixon Foundation): Hellfire Club Hit. The Grishenko File: Raphael (TMNT): Peter Tsaptsaris, UMass-Amherst Red Sox Pennant, Gwenn Pratt Hell's Angels, Empress M Clips 4 Sale. Four trials, with three deployments, to test if "Pi", "The Jackal", and "An